
Sakura / Sakuchan

Aquesta vegada no escric res divertit. La Sakura acaba de morir i la trobarem molt a faltar!

Era una gossa molt guapa i intel·ligent! I de seguida es va acostumar a venir-me a rebre tota contenta quan entrava a casa just arribar per primera vegada a cals Minami!

A més a més, va ser la primera que em va ensenyar l’imperatiu en japonès (“suware!”) quan volia un tall de pera de l’esmorzar que m’havia preparat la Machiko :)

Tot i això, estic menys trista quan penso en la meravellosa vida que ha tingut al costat dels Minami. No podria haver estat amb una família millor! Aquí teniu algunes fotos d’ella.

This post will not be a happy one: Sakura has just passed away and we will all miss her a lot!

She was a really cute and smart dog! And she quickly got used to cheerfully welcoming me when arriving home since the first time I was at Minami’s!

Moreover, she was the first one to teach me the imperative in Japanese (“座れ!”) when she wanted a piece of pear from the breakfast prepared by Machikosan :)

However, my sadness lessens when I think at the wonderful life she has had next to Minami family. She could have not been with a better family! Here you are some photos of her.