
ドラヤキ!!!! / DORAYAKI!!!!

Hi havia qui reclamava dorayakis, però com que per Internet de moment és una mica complicat de fer-vos-en, com a mínim us en passaré la recepta!

Un dorayaki (どら焼き; どらやき) és un tipus de pastisset japonès format per dos menes de petites creps gruixudes juntes que tenen al mig pasta (餡子; あんこ; anko) de mongeta vermella dolça (小豆; あずき; azuki). Hi ha un dorayaki en les fotos més famoses del conill Oolong, de Hironori Akutagawa :D, i també és el pastisset preferit d’en Doraemon, es veu (fins i tot n’hi ha videojocs)!

He estat buscant informació sobre el tema per no “llançar-vos” simplement la recepta, i sembla que el dorayaki originalment només estava format per una sola “crep”, i que la forma actual la va inventar Ueno Usagiya el 1914.

La llegenda diu que el primer dorayaki el va fer un pagès quan va coure unes “creps” usant un gong que un samurai s’havia oblidat a casa seva. Per cert, el gong, en japonès, es diu dora i, en català, existeix precisament dora com a ‘idiòfon de percussió asiàtic’; i pel que fa a yaki, vol dir ‘coure’ :P

Vinga, al gra! La recepta per a uns quants dorayakis seria la següent:

1 ou
75g de sucre
30g de mel
1 cullereta rasa de llevat
100g de farina
75cc d’aigua

Barregeu en un bol l’ou i el sucre.
Afegiu-hi la mel i barregeu-ho tot.
Afegiu-hi la meitat de l’aigua, i tota la farina i el llevat.
Barregeu-ho i deixeu-ho reposar uns 30 minuts.
Afegiu-hi la resta de l’aigua i barregeu-ho bé.

Per fregir-ho, useu una paella sense oli.
Un cop fetes les diferents “creps”, unteu-les amb anko d’una cara i uniu-les de dues en dues perquè quedin com en la foto.
[Recepta de Yoshiko Stucky; ありがとう !!]

Podeu fer variacions sobre el tema: afegir matxa a la pasta, canviar l’anko per nutella... això ja és cosa de cadascú! Només us cal provar-ho!
Bon profit! ;)

Some of you were asking for dorayakis, but as for the moment it is a bit complicated to cook some for you, at least I’ll show you the recipe!

A dorayaki (どら焼き; どらやき) is a type of Japanese confection made from two small thick pancakes having some sweet red bean (小豆; あずき; azuki) paste (餡子; あんこ; anko) between them. There’s a dorayaki in the most famous photos of the rabbit Oolong, by Hironori Akutagawa :D, and it seems it is also the favorite small cake of Doraemon (there’s even a videogame about it)!

I’ve been searching some information about the subject, ‘cause I didn’t want to simply “through” you the recipe, and it seems that dorayaki was originally made only with one pancake, and that the current shape was invented by Ueno Usagiya in 1914.

Legend has it that the first dorayaki were made when a samurai forgot his gong upon leaving a farmer’s home and the farmer used the gong to fry the pancakes. By the way, gong in Japanese is called dora; and as for the yaki, it means ‘to cook’ :P

Come on, let’s get to the point! The recipe for some dorayakis is the following one:

1 egg
75g of sugar
30g of honey
1 level teaspoonful of baking powder
100g of flour
75cc of water

Mix in a bowl the egg and the sugar.
Add the honey and mix it all.
Add half of the water, and all the flour and baking powder.
Mix everything and put it aside for 30 minutes.
Add the rest of the water and mix it well.

To bake it, use a frying pan without oil.
Once the “creps” are baked, spread anko on one of their sides and put them together two by two as in the photo.
[Recipe by Yoshiko Stucky; ありがとう !!]

You can made variations: add matcha to the pastry, change the anko for nutella... that depends on everyone’s taste! Just gotta try!
Enjoy your meal! ;)